%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Conferences %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @inproceedings{jung2023faultmodel, title={{Predicting Future-System Reliability with a Component-Level DRAM Fault Model}}, author={Jeageun Jung and Mattan Erez}, booktitle={{to appear in the Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO)}}, year={2023}, mycat={conference} } @inproceedings{fakhrzadehgan2023secddr, title={{SecDDR: Enabling Low-Cost Secure Memories by Protecting the DDR Interface}}, booktitle={{Proceedings of the IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN)}}, author={Ali Fakhrzadehgan and Prakash Ramrakhyani and Moinuddin Qureshi and Mattan Erez}, year={2023}, mycat={conference} } @inproceedings{lee2022parla, title={{Parla: a Python orchestration system for heterogeneous architectures}}, author={Lee, Hochan and Ruys, William and Henriksen, Ian and Peters, Arthur and Yan, Yineng and Stephens, Sean and You, Bozhi and Fingler, Henrique and Burtscher, Martin and Gligoric, Milos and others}, booktitle={Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC22)}, year={2022}, doi={10.1109/SC41404.2022.00056}, mycat={conference} } @inproceedings{jalili2021lp, author = {Majid Jalili and Mattan Erez}, title = {{Reducing Load Latency with Cache Level Prediction}}, booktitle = {{in the proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA)}}, year = {2022}, doi={10.1109/HPCA53966.2022.00054}, mycat = {conference} } @inproceedings{raybuck2021hemem, author = {Amanda Raybuck and Tim Stamler and Wei Zhang and Mattan Erez and Simon Peter}, title = {{HeMem: Scalable Tiered Memory Management for Big Data Applications and Real NVM}}, booktitle = {{in the proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP)}}, year = {2021}, doi={https://doi.org/10.1145/3477132.3483550}, mycat = {conference} } @inproceedings{zhu2021wayout, author = {Steven Zhu and Nader {Al Awar} and Mattan Erez and Milos Gligoric}, title = {{Dynamic Generation of Python Bindings for HPC Kernels}}, booktitle = {{in the proceedings of the IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE)}}, year = {2021}, doi={10.1109/ASE51524.2021.9678726}, mycat = {conference} } @inproceedings{cho2021stepstone, author = {Benjamin Y. Cho and Jeageun Jung and Mattan Erez}, title = {{Accelerating Bandwidth-Bound Deep Learning Inference with Main-Memory Accelerators}}, booktitle={{in the proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC21)}}, year = {2021}, month = {nov}, doi={10.1145/3458817.3476146}, mycat = {conference} } @INPROCEEDINGS{yavits2020wolfram, author={L. {Yavits} and L. {Orosa} and S. {Mahar} and J. D. {Ferreira} and M. {Erez} and R. {Ginosar} and O. {Mutlu}}, booktitle={{in the proceedings of the IEEE 38th International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD)}}, title={{WoLFRaM: Enhancing Wear-Leveling and Fault Tolerance in Resistive Memories using Programmable Address Decoders}}, year={2020}, pages={187-196}, doi={10.1109/ICCD50377.2020.00044}, mycat = {conference} } @INPROCEEDINGS{jaulems2020runtimeECC, author = {L. Jaulmes and M. Moreto and M. Valero and M. Erez and M. Casas}, booktitle = {{the proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC20)}}, title = {{Runtime-Guided ECC Protection using Online Estimation of Memory Vulnerability}}, year = {2020}, pages = {1-14}, doi = {10.1109/SC41405.2020.00080}, url = {https://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/SC41405.2020.00080}, month = {nov}, mycat = {conference} } @inproceedings{cho2020chopim, title={{Near Data Acceleration with Concurrent Host Access}}, author = {Benjamin Y. Cho and Yongkee Kwon and Sangkug Lym and Mattan Erez}, booktitle={{the Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA)}}, year = 2020, doi = {10.1109/ISCA45697.2020.00072}, mycat = {conference} } @inproceedings{choukse2020buddy, title={{Buddy Compression: Enabling Larger Memory for Deep Learning and HPC Workloads on GPUs}}, author = {Esha Choukse and Michael B. Sullivan and Mike O'Connor and Mattan Erez and Jeff Pool and David Nellans and Stephen W. Keckler}, booktitle={{the Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA)}}, year = 2020, doi = {10.1109/ISCA45697.2020.00080}, mycat = {conference} } @inproceedings{lym2019prunetrain, title = {{PruneTrain: Fast Neural Network Training by Dynamic Sparse Model Reconfiguration}}, author = {Sangkug Lym and Esha Choukse and Siavash Zangeneh and Wei Wen and Sujay Sanghavi and Mattan Erez}, booktitle = {{the Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE International Conference on High-Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC19)}}, year = 2019, pdf = {/sc19_prunetrain.pdf}, mycat = {conference} } @inproceedings{chang2019timing, title = {{Assessing The Impact of Timing Errors on HPC Applications }}, author = {Chun-Kai Chang and Wenqi Yin and Mattan Erez}, booktitle = {{the Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE International Conference on High-Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC19)}}, year = 2019, pdf = {/sc19_timing_errors.pdf}, mycat = {conference} } @inproceedings{lee2019gpusnapshot, title = {{GPU Snapshot: Checkpoint Offloading for GPU-Dense Systems}}, author = {Kyushick Lee and Michael Sullivan and Siva Kumar Sastry Hari and Timothy Tsai and Stephen W. Keckler and Mattan Erez}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Supercomputing ({ICS})}, year = 2019, doi = {10.1145/3330345.3330361}, pdf = {/ics19_gpusnapshot.pdf}, mycat = {conference} } @inproceedings{lym2019delta, title={{DeLTA: GPU Performance Model for Deep Learning}}, author={Sangkug Lym and Donghyuk Lee and Mike O'Connor and Niladrish Chatterjee and Mattan Erez}, booktitle={the Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software ({ISPASS})}, year = {2019}, doi = {10.1109/ISPASS.2019.00041}, pdf = {/ispass19_delta.pdf}, mycat = {conference} } @inproceedings{lym2019mbs, author={Sangkug Lym and Armand Behroozi and Wei Wen and Ge Li and Yongkee Kwon and Mattan Erez}, title={{Mini-batch Serialization: CNN Training with Inter-layer Data Reuse}}, booktitle={{the Proceedings of SysML 2019}}, year={2019}, url={https://arxiv.org/abs/1810.00307}, pdf={https://arxiv.org/pdf/1810.00307.pdf}, mycat={conference} } @inproceedings{zhu2019kelp, author={Haishan Zhu and David Lo and Liqun Cheng and Rama Govindaraju and Parthasarathy Ranganathan and Mattan Erez}, title={{Kelp: QoS for Accelerators in Machine Learning Platforms}}, booktitle={{the Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA)}}, year={2019}, month={February}, address={Washington D.C.}, doi = {10.1109/HPCA.2019.00036}, pdf={/hpca19_kelp.pdf}, mycat={conference} } @inproceedings{chang2018hamartia, author={Chun-Kai Chang and Sangkug Lym and Nicholas Kelly and Michael B. Sullivan and Mattan Erez }, title = {{Evaluating and Accelerating High-Fidelity Error Injection for HPC}}, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE International Conference on High-Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC18)}}, year = {2018}, month = {November}, address = {Dallas, TX}, doi = {10.1109/SC.2018.00048}, mycat = {conference}, pdf = {/sc18_hamartia.pdf} } @inproceedings{choukse2018compreso, author = {Esha Chouke and Alaa Alameldeen and Mattan Erez}, title = {{Compresso: Pragmatic Main Memory Compression}}, booktitle={{Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO)}}, year = {2018}, month = {October}, address = {Fukuoka, Japan}, doi={10.1109/MICRO.2018.00051}, mycat = {conference}, pdf = {/micro18_compresso.pdf} } @inproceedings{subasi2018icpp, author = {Subasi, Omer and Chang, Chun-Kai and Erez, Mattan and Krishnamoorthy, Sriram}, title = {{Characterizing the Impact of Soft Errors Affecting Floating-point ALUs Using RTL-Ievel Fault Injection}}, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP)}}, series = {ICPP 2018}, year = {2018}, isbn = {978-1-4503-6510-9}, location = {Eugene, OR, USA}, pages = {59:1--59:10}, articleno = {59}, numpages = {10}, doi = {10.1145/3225058.3225089}, acmid = {3225089}, keywords = {Fault injection experiments, RTL simulation}, mycat = {conference} } @inproceedings{zheng2018sipt, author={Tianhao Zheng and Haishan Zhu and Mattan Erez}, title={{SIPT: Speculatively Indexed, Physically Tagged Caches}}, booktitle = {{the Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA)}}, year = {2018}, month = {February}, pages = {1--14}, address = {Vienna, Austria}, doi = {10.1109/HPCA.2018.00020}, mycat= {conference}, pdf = {/sipt_hpca18.pdf} } @inproceedings{lym2018eruca, author = {Sangkug Lym and Heonjae Ha and Yongkee Kwon and Chun-Kai Chang and Jungrae Kim and Mattan Erez}, title = {{ERUCA: Efficient DRAM Resource Utilization and Resource Conflict Avoidance for Memory System Parallelism}}, booktitle = {{the Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA)}}, year = {2018}, month = {February}, pages = {1--14}, address = {Vienna, Austria}, doi = {10.1109/HPCA.2018.00063}, mycat= {conference}, pdf = {/eruca_hpca18.pdf} } @inproceedings{gong2018duo, author={Seong-Lyong Gong and Jungrae Kim and Sangkug Lym and Michael Sullivan and Howard David and Mattan Erez}, title={{DUO: Exposing On-Chip Redundancy to Rank-Level ECC for High Reliability}}, booktitle = {{the Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA)}}, year = {2018}, month = {February}, pages = {1--14}, address = {Vienna, Austria}, doi = {10.1109/HPCA.2018.00064}, mycat= {conference}, pdf = {/duo_hpca18.pdf} } @inproceedings{alam2017dvmt, author={Hana Alam and Tianhao Zheng and Mattan Erez and Yoav Etsion}, title={{Do It Yourself Virtual Memory Translation}}, booktitle={{the Proceedings of ISCA}}, pages={1--12}, month={June}, year={2017}, address={Toronto, Canada}, doi={10.1145/3079856.3080209}, mycat={conference}, pdf={/isca2017_dvmt.pdf} } @inproceedings{kim2016relaxfault, author={Dong-Wan Kim and Mattan Erez}, title={{RelaxFault Memory Repair}}, booktitle={{the Proceedings of ISCA}}, pages={645--657}, month={June}, address={Seoul, South Korea}, year={2016}, mycat={conference}, doi={10.1109/ISCA.2016.62}, pdf={/isca2016_relaxfault.pdf} } @inproceedings{kim2016bpc, author={Jungrae Kim and Michael Sullivan and Esha Choukse and Mattan Erez}, title={{Bit-Plane Compression: Transforming Data for Better Compression in Many-core Architectures}}, booktitle={{the Proceedings of ISCA}}, pages={329--340}, month={June}, year={2016}, address={Seoul, South Korea}, mycat={conference}, doi={10.1109/ISCA.2016.37}, pdf={/isca2016_bpc.pdf} } @inproceedings{kim2016aiecc, author={Jungrae Kim and Michael Sullivan and Sangkug Lym and Mattan Erez}, title={{All-Inclusive ECC: Thorough End-to-End Protection for Reliable Computer Memory}}, booktitle={{the Proceedings of ISCA}}, pages={622--633}, month={June}, address={Seoul, South Korea}, year={2016}, mycat={conference}, doi={10.1109/ISCA.2016.60}, pdf={/isca2016_aiecc.pdf} } @inproceedings{zhu2016dirigent, author={Haishan Zhu and Mattan Erez}, title={{Dirigent: Enforcing QoS for Latency-Critical Tasks on Shared Multicore Systems}}, booktitle={{the Proceedings of ASPLOS}}, pages={33--47}, month={April}, year={2016}, address={Atlanta, GA}, doi={10.1145/2872362.2872394}, mycat={conference}, pdf= {/asplos2016_dirigent_paper.pdf}, slides= {/asplos2016_dirigent.pptx} } @inproceedings{gong2015clean, author={Seong-Lyong Gong and Minsoo Rhu and Jungrae Kim and Jinsuk Chung and Mattan Erez}, title={{CLEAN-ECC: High Reliability ECC for Adaptive Granularity Memory System}}, booktitle={{the Proceedings of MICRO}}, pages={611--622}, month={December}, address={Waikiki, HI}, year = {2015}, doi={10.1145/2830772.2830799}, mycat={conference}, pdf = {/micro2015_clean.pdf} } @inproceedings{kim2015frugal, author={Jungrae Kim and Michael Sullivan and Seong-Lyong Gong and Mattan Erez}, title={{Frugal ECC: Efficient and Versatile Memory Error Protection through Fine-Grained Compression}}, booktitle={{the Proceedings of SC15}}, pages={12:1--12}, month={November}, year = {2015}, address = {Austin, TX}, doi = {10.1145/2807591.2807659}, pdf = {/sc15_frugal.pdf}, mycat={conference} } @inproceedings {li2015pcal, author = {Dong Li and Minsoo Rhu and Daniel R. Johnson and Mike O'Connor and Mattan Erez and Doug Burger and Donald S. Fussell and Stephen W. Keckler}, title = {{Priority-Based Cache Allocation in Throughput Processors}}, booktitle = {{the Proceedings of HPCA}}, month = {February}, address = {Burlingame, CA}, pages = {89-100}, year = {2015}, doi = {10.1109/HPCA.2015.7056024}, pdf = {/hpca2015_pcal.pdf}, mycat = {conference} } @inproceedings {kim2015freefault, author = {{Dong Wan} Kim and Mattan Erez}, title = {{Balancing Reliability, Cost, and Performance Tradeoffs with FreeFault}}, booktitle = {{the Proceedings of HPCA}}, month = {February}, pages = {439--450}, year = {2015}, address = {Burlingame, CA}, doi = {10.1109/HPCA.2015.7056053}, pdf = {/hpca2015_freefault.pdf}, mycat = {conference} } @inproceedings {kim2015bamboo, author = {Jungrae Kim and Michael Sullivan and Mattan Erez}, title = {{Bamboo ECC: Strong, Safe, and Flexible Codes for Reliable Computer Memory}}, booktitle = {{the Proceedings of HPCA}}, pages = {101--112}, month = {February}, address = {Burlingame, CA}, year = {2015}, doi = {10.1109/HPCA.2015.7056025}, pdf = {/hpca2015_bambooECC.pdf}, mycat = {conference} } @INPROCEEDINGS { rhu2013lamar, author = {Minsoo Rhu and Michael Sullivan and Jingwen Leng and Mattan Erez}, title = {{A Locality-Aware Memory Hierarchy for Energy-Efficient GPU Architectures}}, booktitle = {{the Proceedings of MICRO}}, address = {Davis, CA}, pages={86--98}, month = {December}, year = { 2013 }, doi = {10.1145/2540708.2540717}, pdf = {/micro2013_lamar.pdf}, mycat = {conference} } @INPROCEEDINGS { zheng2013vew, AUTHOR = { Tianhao Zheng and Jaeyoung Park and Michael Orshansky and Mattan Erez}, TITLE = {{Variable-Energy Write STT-RAM Architecture with Bit-Wise Write-Completion Monitoring}}, BOOKTITLE = {{the Proceedings of ISLPED}}, ADDRESS = {Beijing, China}, pages = {229--234}, MONTH = {September}, year = { 2013 }, doi = {10.1109/ISLPED.2013.6629299}, pdf = {/islped2013_vew.pdf}, mycat = {conference} } @inproceedings{rhu2013msr, author = {Minsoo Rhu and Mattan Erez}, title = {{Maximizing SIMD Resource Utilization in GPGPUs with SIMD Lane Permutation}}, booktitle = {{the Proceedings of ISCA}}, pages = {356--367}, address = {Tel Aviv, Israel}, month = {June}, year = {2013}, doi = {10.1145/2485922.2485953}, pdf = {/isca2013_slp.pdf}, mycat = {conference} } @inproceedings{rhu2013dpe, author = {Minsoo Rhu and Mattan Erez}, title = {{The Dual-Path Execution Model for Efficient GPU Control Flow}}, booktitle = {{the Proceedings of HPCA}}, address = {Shenzhen, China}, pages={561--602}, month = {February}, year = {2013}, doi = {10.1109/HPCA.2013.6522352}, pdf = {/hpca2013_dpe.pdf}, mycat = {conference} } @inproceedings{chung2012cds, author = {Jinsuk Chung and Ikhwan Lee and Michael Sullivan and {Jee Ho} Ryoo and {Dong Wan} Kim and {Doe Hyun} Yoon and Larry Kaplan and Mattan Erez}, title = {{Containment Domains: A Scalable, Efficient, and Flexible Resilience Scheme for Exascale Systems}}, booktitle = {{the Proceedings of SC12}}, address = {Salt Lake City, UT}, pages = {58:1--11}, month = {November}, year = {2012}, doi = {10.1109/SC.2012.36}, pdf = {/cds_sc12.pdf}, slides = {/cds_sc12_slides.pptx}, mycat = {conference} } @inproceedings{jeong2012qam, author = {Min Kyu Jeong and Chander Sudanthi and Nigel Paver and Mattan Erez}, title = {{A QoS-Aware Memory Controller for Dynamically Balancing GPU and CPU Bandwidth Use in an MPSoC}}, booktitle = {{the Proceedings of DAC}}, address = {San Francisco, CA}, pages = {855--860}, month = {June}, year = {2012}, pdf = {/cpugpumc_dac12.pdf}, doi = {10.1145/2228360.2228513}, mycat = {conference} } @inproceedings{krimer2012ldi, author = {Evgeni Krimer and Patrick Chiang and Mattan Erez}, title = {{Lane Decoupling for Improving the Timing-Error Resiliency of Wide-SIMD Architectures}}, booktitle = {{the proceedings of ISCA}}, pages = {237--248}, address = {Portland, OR}, month = {June}, year = {2012}, doi={10.1145/2366231.2337187}, pdf = {/dq_isca2012.pdf}, slides = {/dq_isca2012_slides.pptx}, mycat = {conference} } @inproceedings{yoon2012dgms, author = {Doe Hyun Yoon and Min Kyu Jeong and Michael B. Sullivan and Mattan Erez}, title = {The Dynamic Granularity Memory System}, booktitle = {{the proceedings of ISCA}}, pages={548--559}, address = {Portland, OR}, month = {June}, year = {2012}, doi={10.1145/2366231.2337222}, mycat = {conference}, pdf = {/dgms_isca2012.pdf} } @inproceedings{rhu2012capri, author = {Minsoo Rhu and Mattan Erez}, title = {{CAPRI: Prediction of Compaction-Adequacy for Handling Control-Divergence in GPGPU Architectures}}, booktitle = {{the proceedings of ISCA}}, pages={61--71}, address = {Portland, OR}, month = {June}, year = {2012}, doi={10.1145/2366231.2337167}, pdf = {/capri_isca2012.pdf}, mycat = {conference} } @inproceedings{jeong2012bpart, author = {Min Kyu Jeong and Doe Hyun Yoon and Dam Sunwoo and Michael Sullivan and Ikhwan Lee and Mattan Erez}, title = {{Balancing DRAM Locality and Parallelism in Shared Memory CMP Systems}}, booktitle = {{the proceedings of HPCA}}, pages = {1-12}, month = {February}, year = {2012}, doi={10.1109/HPCA.2012.6168944}, address = {New Oreleans, LA}, pdf = {/bpart_hpca12.pdf}, mycat = {conference} } @inproceedings{pawlowski2012synctium, author = {Robert Pawlowski and Evgeni Krimer and Joseph Crop and Jacob Postman and Nariman Moezzi-Madani and Mattan Erez and Patrick Chiang}, title = {{A 530mV 10-Lane SIMD Processor With Variation Resiliency in 45nm SOI}}, booktitle = {{the proceedings of ISSCC}}, pages = {492--494}, month = {February}, year = {2012}, address = {San Francisco, CA}, doi={10.1109/ISSCC.2012.6177105}, mycat = {conference} } @inproceedings{yoon2011agms, author = {Doe Hyun Yoon and Min Kyu Jeong and Mattan Erez}, title = {{Adaptive Granularity Memory Systems: A Tradeoff between Storage Efficiency and Throughput}}, booktitle = {{the proceedings of ISCA}}, pages={295--306}, month = {June}, address = {San Jose, CA}, year = {2011}, doi={10.1145/2000064.2000100}, pdf = {/isca11_agms.pdf}, mycat={conference} } @inproceedings{yoon2011freep, author = {Doe Hyun Yoon and Naveen Muralimanohar and Jichuan Chang and Parthasarathy Ranganathan and Norman P. Jouppi and Mattan Erez}, title = {{FREE-p}: Protecting Non-Volatile Memory against both Hard and Soft Errors}, booktitle = {{the proceedings of HPCA}}, pages={466--477}, month = {February}, year = {2011}, address = {San Antonio, TX}, doi={10.1109/HPCA.2011.5749752}, pdf = {/freep_hpca11.pdf}, slides = {/freep_hpca11_slides.pdf}, mycat = {conference} } @inproceedings{basoglu2010nad, author = {Mehmet Basoglu and Michael Orshansky and Mattan Erez}, title = {{NBTI-Aware DVFS: a New Approach To Saving Energy And Increasing Processor Lifetime}}, booktitle = {{the proceedings of ISLPED}}, pages={253--258}, address = {Austin, TX}, month = {August}, year = {2010}, doi={10.1145/1840845.1840898}, pdf = {/islped10_nbti_dvfs.pdf}, mycat={conference} } @inproceedings{yoon2010vecc, author = {Doe Hyun Yoon and Mattan Erez}, title = {{Virtualized and Flexible ECC for Main Memory}}, booktitle = {{the proceedings of ASPLOS}}, pages={397--408}, month = {March}, year = {2010}, doi={10.1145/1736020.1736064}, address = {{Pittsburgh, PA}}, pdf = {/vecc_asplos_2010.pdf}, slides = {/vecc_asplos_2010.pptx}, mycat={conference} } @inproceedings{yoon2009fce, author = {Doe Hyun Yoon and Mattan Erez}, title = {Flexible Cache Error Protection using an {ECC FIFO}}, booktitle = {{the proceedings of SC09}}, pages={49:1--12}, month = {November}, address = {Portland, OR}, doi={10.1145/1654059.1654109}, year = {2009}, pdf = {/sc09_eccfifo.pdf}, mycat={conference} } @inproceedings{basoglu2009imp, author={Mehmet Basoglu and Mattan Erez}, title = {Improving Multi-core Processor Energy Efficiency and Lifetime by Embracing Variability and Wearout}, booktitle={{the proceedings of the Austin Conference on Integrated Systems and Circuits (ACISC)}}, pages = {1--5}, address={Austin, TX}, month={October}, year={2009}, pdf={/acisc09_nbti.pdf}, mycat={conference} } @inproceedings{yoon2009mme, author = {Doe Hyun Yoon and Mattan Erez}, title = {{Memory Mapped ECC: Low-Cost Error Protection for Last Level Caches}}, booktitle = {{the proceedings of ISCA}}, pages={116--127}, month = {June}, year = {2009}, address={Austin, TX}, doi={10.1145/1555754.1555771}, pdf = {/isca09_mme.pdf}, slides = {/mme_isca09_slides.pdf}, mycat={conference} } @inproceedings{krishna2008nni, author = {Tushar Krishna and Amit Kumar and Patrick Chiang and Mattan Erez and Li-Shiuan Peh}, title = {{NoC with Near-Ideal Express Virtual Channels Using Global-Line Communication}}, booktitle = {{the proceedings of High-Performance Interconnects (HotI-16)}}, pages = {11--20}, address = {Stanford, CA}, month = {August}, year = {2008}, doi={10.1109/HOTI.2008.22}, pdf = {/glineevc_hoti08.pdf}, mycat={conference} } @inproceedings{gummaraju2007ass, author = {Jayanth Gummaraju and Mattan Erez and Joel Coburn and Mendel Rosenblum and William J. Dally}, title = {{Architectural Support for the Stream Execution Model on General-Purpose Processors}}, booktitle = {{the proceedings of PACT}}, pages = {3--12}, month = {September}, year = {2007}, address = {Brasov, Romania}, doi={10.1109/PACT.2007.15}, url={http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1299106}, pdf = {/StreamingGPP.pdf}, mycat={conference}, resumen={Order of authors on the DOI link is wrong, refer to official publication using link to ACM DL.} } @inproceedings{erez2007eis, author = {Mattan Erez and Jung Ho Ahn and Jayanth Gummaraju and Mendel Rosenblum and William J. Dally}, title = {{Executing Irregular Scientific Applications on Stream Architectures}}, booktitle = {{the proceedings of ICS}}, pages={93--104}, year = {2007}, doi={10.1145/1274971.1274987}, month = {June}, address = {Seattle, WA}, pdf = {/ics07_irregular.pdf}, mycat={conference} } @inproceedings{ahn2007tdi, author = {Jung Ho Ahn and William J. Dally and Mattan Erez}, title = {{Tradeoff between Data-, Instruction-, and Thread-level Parallelism in Stream Processors}}, booktitle = {{the proceedings of ICS}}, pages={126--137}, year = {2007}, month = {June}, doi={10.1145/1274971.1274991}, address = {Seattle, WA}, pdf = {/ics07_aspect.pdf}, mycat={conference} } @inproceedings{knight2007cem, author = {Timothy Knight and Ji Young Park and Manman Ren and Mike Houston and Mattan Erez and Kayvon Fatahalian and Alex Aiken and William Dally and Pat Hanrahan}, title = {{Compilation for Explicitly Managed Memory Hierarchies}}, booktitle = {{the proceedings of PPoPP}}, pages={226--236}, year = {2007}, month = {March}, doi={10.1145/1229428.1229477}, address = {San Jose, CA}, pdf = {/ppopp07_sequoia.pdf}, mycat={conference} } @inproceedings{fatahalian2006spm, author = {Kayvon Fatahalian and Timothy J. Knight and Mike Houston and Mattan Erez and Daniel Reiter Horn and Larkhoon Leem and Ji Young Park and Manman Ren and Alex Aiken and William J. Dally and Pat Hanrahan}, title = {Sequoia: programming the memory hierarchy}, booktitle = {{the proceedings of SC06}}, year = {2006}, month = {November}, pages = {83:1--13}, isbn = {0-7695-2700-0}, address = {Tampa, FL}, doi = {10.1145/1188455.1188543}, publisher = {ACM}, pdf = {/sc06_sequoia.pdf}, mycat={conference}, resumen={The author list was improperly imported by the ACM Digial Library; the author list above is ordered correctly.} } @inproceedings{ahn2006dsd, author = {Jung Ho Ahn and Mattan Erez and William J. Dally}, title = {The design space of data-parallel memory systems}, booktitle = {{the proceedings of SC06}}, year = {2006}, month = {November}, isbn = {0-7695-2700-0}, pages = {80:1--12}, address = {Tampa, FL}, doi = {10.1145/1188455.1188540}, publisher = {ACM}, pdf = {/sc06_dpms.pdf}, mycat={conference} } @inproceedings{barnhoefer2006lpp, author={Ulrich Barnhoefer and Moon-Jung Kim and Mattan Erez}, title = {A Low Power, Passively Cooled 2000cd/m2 Hybrid LED-LCD Display}, booktitle={{the proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics}}, pages = {1--4}, address={St. Petersburg, Russia}, month={June}, year ={2006}, doi = {10.1109/ISCE.2006.1689480}, pdf = {/isce06_hdr.pdf}, mycat={conference} } @inproceedings{erez2005ftt, author = {Mattan Erez and Nuwan Jayasena and Timothy J. Knight and William J. Dally}, title = {{Fault Tolerance Techniques for the Merrimac Streaming Supercomputer}}, booktitle = {{the proceedings of SC05}}, pages = {29:1--11}, year = {2005}, address = {Seattle, WA}, month = {November}, doi = {10.1109/SC.2005.26}, pdf = {/sc05_faulttolerance.pdf}, mycat={conference} } @inproceedings{ahn2005sad, author = {Jung Ho Ahn and Mattan Erez and William J. Dally}, title = {{Scatter-Add in Data Parallel Architectures}}, booktitle = {{the proceedings of HPCA}}, pages={132--142}, year = {2005}, address = {San Francisco, CA}, doi = {10.1109/HPCA.2005.30}, month = {February}, pdf = {/hpca11_scatteradd.pdf}, mycat={conference} } @inproceedings{erez2004apr, author = {Mattan Erez and {Jung Ho} Ahn and Ankit Garg and William J. Dally and Eric Darve}, title = {{Analysis and Performance Results of a Molecular Modeling Application on {M}errimac}}, booktitle = {{the proceedings of SC04}}, pages={42:1--10}, year = {2004}, doi = {10.1109/SC.2004.69}, address = {Pittsburgh, PA}, month = {November}, pdf = {/sc04_streammd.pdf}, mycat={conference} } @inproceedings{jayasena2004srf, author = {Nuwan Jayasena and Mattan Erez and Jung Ho Ahn and William J. Dally}, title = {{Stream Register Files with Indexed Access}}, booktitle = {{the proceedings of HPCA}}, pages={60--72}, year = {2004}, doi = {10.1109/HPCA.2004.10007}, month = {February}, address = {Madrid, Spain}, pdf = {/hpca04_indexedSRF.pdf}, mycat={conference} } @inproceedings{dally2003mss, author = {William J. Dally and Patrick Hanrahan and Mattan Erez and Timothy J. Knight and Francois Labonte and Jung-Ho Ahn and Nuwan Jayasena and Ujval J. Kapasi and Abhishek Das and Jayanth Gummaraju and Ian Buck}, title = {{Merrimac: Supercomputing with Streams}}, booktitle = {{the proceedings of SC03}}, pages = {35:1--8}, year = {2003}, month = {November}, doi = {10.1145/1048935.1050187}, address = {Phoenix, AZ}, pdf = {/sc03_merrimac.pdf}, mycat={conference}, resumen={The author list was improperly imported by the ACM Digial Library; the author list above is ordered correctly.} } @inproceedings{jourdan2000xbc, author = {Stephan Jourdan and Lihu Rappoport and Yoav Almog and Mattan Erez and Adi Yoaz and Ronny Ronen}, title = {{eXtendedBlock Cache}}, booktitle = {{the proceedings of HPCA}}, pages = {61--70}, month = {January}, address = {Toulouse, France}, doi = {10.1109/HPCA.2000.824339}, year = {2000}, pdf = {/XBC_HPCA6.pdf}, mycat={conference} } @inproceedings{yoaz1999sti, author = { Adi Yoaz and Mattan Erez and Ronny Ronen and Stephan Jourdan}, title = {{Speculation Techniques for Improving Load Related Instruction Scheduling}}, booktitle = {{the proceeings of ISCA}}, pages = {42--53}, year = {1999}, doi = {10.1109/ISCA.1999.765938}, month = {May}, address = { Atlanta, GA}, pdf = {/LoadSched_ISCA26.pdf}, mycat={conference} } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Books and Chapters %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @incollection{wireless_book, title = {Baseband Architectures to Support Wireless Cellular Infrastructure: History and Future Evolution}, author = {Alan Gatherer and Haishan Zhu and Mattan Erez}, pages = {689--705}, chapter = {18}, booktitle = {Academic Press Library in Mobile and Wireless Communications -- Transmission Techniques for Digital Communications}, editor = {Sarah Kate Wilson and Stephen G. Wilson and Ezio Biglieri}, year = {2016}, isbn = {978-0-12-398281-0}, publisher = {Elsevier}, url={http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780123982810}, mycat={book} } @incollection{multicore_book, author = {Mattan Erez and William J. Dally}, title = {Stream Processors}, pages = {231--270}, chapter = {8}, booktitle = {Multicore Processors and Systems}, editor = {Keckler, Stephen W. and Olukotun, Kunle and Hofstee, H. Peter}, year = {2009}, isbn = {978-1-4419-0262-7}, publisher = {Springer}, url={http://www.springer.com/us/book/9781441902627}, mycat={book} } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Technical Reports %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @techreport{sullivan2014cds, author = {Michael Sullivan and Ikhwan Lee and Jinsuk Chung and Song Zhang and Seong-Lyong Gong and Derong Liu and Michael LeBeane and Kyushick Lee and Mattan Erez}, title = {{Containment Domains Semantics version 0.2}}, number = {{Tr-LPH-2014-001}}, institution = {{LPH Group, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin}}, month = {February}, year = {2014}, pdf = {/cd_semantics.pdf}, mycat = {report} } @techreport{sullivan2013cds, author = {Michael Sullivan and Ikhwan Lee and Jinsuk Chung and Song Zhang and Seong-Lyong Gong and Derong Liu and Michael LeBeane and Mattan Erez}, title = {"Containment Domains Semantics version 0.1"}, number = {"Tr-LPH-2013-001"}, institution = {"LPH Group, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin"}, month = {October}, year = {2013}, pdf = {/cd_semantics_01.pdf}, mycat = {report} } @techreport{lee2012sef, author={Ikhwan Lee and Michael Sullivan and Evgeni Krimer and Dong Wan Kim and Mehmet Basoglu and Doe Hyun Yoon and Larry Kaplan and Mattan Erez}, title = {Survey of Error and Fault Detection Mechanisms v2}, number = {"TR-LPH-2012-001"}, institution = {"LPH Group, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin"}, month = {December}, year = {2012}, pdf = {/detection_mechanisms_TR_LPH_2012_001.pdf}, mycat = {report} } @techreport{lee2011sef, author={Ikhwan Lee and Mehmet Basoglu and Michael Sullivan and Doe Hyun Yoon and Larry Kaplan and Mattan Erez}, title = {Survey of Error and Fault Detection Mechanisms}, number = {"TR-LPH-2011-002"}, institution = {"LPH Group, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin"}, month = {April}, year = {2011}, pdf = {/detection_mechanisms_TR_LPH_2012_001.pdf}, mycat = {report} } @techreport{sullivan2011cdf, author={Michael Sullivan and Doe Hyun Yoon and Mattan Erez}, title = {Containment Domains: A Full-System Approach to Computational Resiliency}, number = {"TR-LPH-2011-001"}, institution = {"LPH Group, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin"}, month = {January}, year = {2011}, pdf = {/containment_domains_TR_LPH_2011_001.pdf}, mycat = {report} } @techreport{krimer2009pls, author = {Evgeni Krimer and Isaac Keslassy and Avinoam Kolodny and Isask'har Walter and Mattan Erez}, title = {Packet-Level Static Timing Analysis for NoCs}, number = {CCIT \#737}, institution = {Department of Electrical Engineering, Technion}, month= {July}, year = {2009}, mycat={report} } @PhDThesis{erez_thesis, AUTHOR = {Mattan Erez}, TITLE = {Merrimac -- High-Performance, Highly-Efficient Scientific Computing with Streams}, SCHOOL = {Stanford University}, address = {Stanford, CA}, month = {November}, YEAR = {2006}, ID = {PhD}, pdf = {/mattan_erez_thesis_screen.pdf}, mycat={report} } @techreport{erez2000sfk, author = {Mattan Erez and Brian Towles and William J. Dally}, title = {{Spills, Fills, and Kills - An Architecture for Reducing Register-Memory Traffic}}, booktitle = {Concurrent VLSI Architecture Technical Report (TR-23)}, number = {Concurrent VLSI Architecture (TR-23)}, institution = {Stanford University}, month = {July}, year = {2000}, pdf = {/sfka_CVA_TR23.pdf}, mycat={report} } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Journals/Magazines %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @article{jalili2022managing, title={Managing prefetchers with deep reinforcement learning}, author={Jalili, Majid and Erez, Mattan}, journal={IEEE Computer Architecture Letters}, volume={21}, number={2}, pages={105--108}, year={2022}, publisher={IEEE}, doi={10.1109/LCA.2022.3210397}, mycat={journal} } @ARTICLE{choukse2018compresspoints, author={Esha Choukse and Mattan Erez and Alaa Alameldeen}, journal={{IEEE Computer Architecture Letters}}, title={{CompressPoints: An Evaluation Methodology for Compressed Memory Systems}}, year={2018}, volume={17}, number={2}, pages={126-129}, doi={10.1109/LCA.2018.2821163}, month={July} } @article{jia2017lux, author = {Zhihao Jia and Yongkee Kwon and Galen Shipman and Pat McCormick and Mattan Erez and Alex Aiken}, title = {{A Distributed Multi-GPU System for Fast Graph Processing}}, journal = {{Proceedings of the VLDB Endownment}}, year = {2017}, month = {November}, volume = {11}, issue = {3}, pages = {297--310}, doi = {10.14778/3157794.3157799}, url = {http://www.vldb.org/pvldb/vol11/p297-jia.pdf}, mycat = {journal} } @ARTICLE{7163324, author={Jaeyoung Park and Tianhao Zheng and Mattan Erez and Michael Orshansky}, journal={{IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems}}, title={{Variation-Tolerant Write Completion Circuit for Variable-Energy Write STT-RAM Architecture}}, year={2016}, volume={24}, number={4}, pages={1351--1360}, doi={10.1109/TVLSI.2015.2449739}, ISSN={1063-8210}, month={April}, mycat={journal}, } @ARTICLE{morad2016readonce, author={Tomer Morad and Gil Shomron and Mattan Erez and Avinoam Kolodny and Uri Weiser}, journal={{IEEE Computer Architecture Letters}}, title={{Optimizing Read-Once Data Flow in Big-Data Applications}}, year={2017}, volume={16}, number={1}, pages={68--71}, doi={10.1109/LCA.2016.2520927}, ISSN={1556-6056}, mycat={journal}, month={January}, } @article{snir2014afe, author = {Marc Snir and Robert W Wisniewski and Jacob A Abraham and Sarita V Adve and Saurabh Bagchi and Pavan Balaji and Jim Belak and Pradip Bose and Franck Cappello and Bill Carlson and Andrew A Chien and Paul Coteus and Nathan A DeBardeleben and Pedro C Diniz and Christian Engelmann and Mattan Erez and Saverio Fazzari and Al Geist and Rinku Gupta and Fred Johnson and Sriram Krishnamoorthy and Sven Leyffer and Dean Liberty and Subhasish Mitra and Todd Munson and Rob Schreiber and Jon Stearley and Eric Van Hensbergen}, title = {{Addressing Failures in Exascale Computing}}, journal = {{International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications}}, volume = {28}, number = {2}, pages = {129--173}, month = {May}, Year = {2014}, doi = {10.1177/1094342014522573}, mycat = {journal} } @article{chung2013cds, author = {Jinsuk Chung and Ikhwan Lee and Michael Sullivan and Jee Ho Ryoo and Dong Wan Kim and Doe Hyun Yoon and Larry Kaplan and Mattan Erez}, title = {{Containment Domains: A Scalable, Efficient, and Flexible Resilience Scheme for Exascale Systems}}, journal = {Scientific Programming}, volume = {21}, number = {3}, pages = {197--212}, month = {January}, year = {2013}, doi = {10.3233/SPR-130374}, mycat = {journal} } @article{yoon2013tpm, author = {Doe Hyun Yoon and Min Kyu Jeong and Michael Sullivan and Mattan Erez}, title = {{Towards Proportional Memory Systems}}, journal = {{Intel Technology Journal}}, volume = {17}, issue = {1}, pages = {118--139}, year = {2012}, url = {https://noggin.intel.com/content/paper-7-towards-proportional-memory-systems}, mycat = {journal} } @article{yoon2012freep, author = {Doe Hyun Yoon and Naveen Muralimanohar and Jichuan Chang and Parthasarthy Ranganathan and Norman P. Jouppi and Mattan Erez}, title = {{FREE-p: A Practical End-to-End Nonvolatile Memory Protection Mechanism}}, journal = {IEEE Micro TopPicks}, volume = {32}, number = {3}, pages = {79--87}, month = {May}, year = {2012}, doi = {10.1109/MM.2012.15}, mycat = {journal} } @article{krimer2011pmb, author = {Evgeni Krimer and Mattan Erez}, title = {The Power of 1 + $\alpha$; for Memory-Efficient Bloom Filters}, journal = {Internet Mathematics}, volume = {7}, number = {1}, pages = {28--44}, year = {2011}, month = {March}, doi = {10.1080/15427951.2011.560785}, pdf = {/im11_bf.pdf}, mycat = {journal} } @article{yoon2011vecc, author = {Doe Hyun Yoon and Mattan Erez}, title = {Virtualized ECC: Flexible Reliability in Main Memory}, journal ={IEEE Micro}, volume = {31}, number = {1}, issn = {0272-1732}, year = {2011}, pages = {11--19}, doi = {10.1109/MM.2010.103}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, address = {Los Alamitos, CA}, mycat = {journal} } @article{krimer2011static, title={{Static timing analysis for modeling QoS in networks on chip}}, author={Evgeni Krimer and Isaac Keslassy and Avinoam Kolodny and Isask'har Walter and Mattan Erez}, journal={Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing}, issn={0743-7315}, volume={71}, number={5}, pages={687--699}, month={May}, year={2011}, doi = {10.1016/j.jpdc.2010.10.003}, publisher={Elsevier}, pdf = {/jpdc10_noc_timing_model.pdf}, mycat = {journal} } @article{krimer2010synctium, title={{Synctium: a Near-Threshold Stream Processor for Energy-Constrained Parallel Applications}}, author={Evgeni Krimer and Robert Pawlowski and Mattan Erez and Patrick Chiang}, journal={IEEE IEEE Computer Architecture Letters}, pages={21--24}, volume = {9}, number = {1}, month = {January}, year={2010}, doi = {10.1109/L-CA.2010.5}, publisher={Published by the IEEE Computer Society}, pdf={/cal2010_synctium.pdf}, mycat={journal} } @article{krishna2009nochi, title={{Express Virtual Channels with Capacitively Driven Global Links}}, author={Tushar Krishna and Amit Kumar and Li-Shiuan Peh and Jacob Postman and Patrick P. Chiang and Mattan Erez}, journal={{IEEE Micro}}, year={2009}, volume={29}, issue={4}, pages={48--61}, month={August}, publisher={Published by the IEEE Computer Society}, doi = {10.1109/MM.2009.64}, mycat={journal} } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Reviews %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @article{crop2011error, title={{Error Detection and Recovery Techniques for Variation-Aware CMOS Computing: A Comprehensive Review}}, author={Joseph Crop and Evgeni Krimer and Nariman Moezzi-Madani and Robert Pawlowski and Thomas Ruggeri and Patrick Chiang and Mattan Erez}, journal={Journal of Low Power Electronics and Applications}, volume={1}, number={3}, pages={334--356}, year={2011}, month={October}, publisher={Molecular Diversity Preservation International}, doi={10.3390/jlpea1030334}, mycat={journal} } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Patents %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @misc{patent_stream_amo, author= {Jung-Ho Ahn and Mattan Erez and William J. Dally}, title= {{US Patent \#8,959,292: Atomic Memory Access Hardware Implementations}}, year = {2015}, month = {February}, day = {17}, mycat = {patent} } @misc{patent_metapredictor_recovery2, author = {Stephan Jourdan and Adi Yoaz and Mattan Erez and Ronny Ronen}, title = {{US Patent \#8,943,298: Meta Predictor Restoration Upon Detecting Misprediction}}, year = {2015}, month = {January}, day = {27}, mycat={patent} } @misc{patent_metapredictor_recovery1, author = {Stephan Jourdan and Adi Yoaz and Mattan Erez and Ronny Ronen}, title = {{US Patent \#8,572,358: Meta Predictor Restoration Upon Detecting Misprediction}}, year = {2013}, month = {October}, day = {29}, mycat={patent} } @misc{patent_metapredictor, author = {Stephan Jourdan and Adi Yoaz and Mattan Erez and Ronny Ronen}, title = {{US Patent \#8,285,976: Method and Apparatus for Predicting Branches Using a Meta Predictor}}, year = {2012}, month = {October}, day = {9}, mycat={patent} } @misc{patent_early_resolution, author = {Adi Yoaz and Mattan Erez and Ronny Ronen}, title = {{US Patent \#6,697,932: System and Method for Early Resolution of Low Confidence Branches and Safe Data Cache Accesses}}, year = {2004}, month = {February}, day = {24}, mycat={patent} } @misc{patent_recovery, author = {Adi Yoaz and Gregory Pribush and Freddy Gabbay and Mattan Erez and Ronny Ronen}, title = {{US Patent \#6,757,816: Fast Branch Misprediction Recovery Method and System}}, year = {2004}, month = {June}, day = {29}, mycat={patent} } @misc{patent_bank_pred1, author = {Adi Yoaz and Ronny Ronen and Lihu Rappoport and Mattan Erez and Stephan Jourdan and Robert Valentine}, title = {{US Patent \#6,694,421: Cache Memory Bank Access Prediction}}, year = {2004}, month = {February}, day = {17}, mycat={patent} } @misc{patent_bank_pred2, author = {Adi Yoaz and Ronny Ronen and Lihu Rappoport and Mattan Erez and Stephan Jourdan and Robert Valentine}, title = {{US Patent \#6,880,063: Memory Cache Bank Prediction}}, year = {2005}, month = {April}, day = {12}, mycat={patent} } @misc{patent_bank_pred3, author = {Adi Yoaz and Ronny Ronen and Lihu Rappoport and Mattan Erez and Stephan Jourdan and Robert Valentine}, title = {{US Patent \#7,644,236: Memory Cache Bank Prediction}}, year = {2010}, month = {January}, day = {5}, mycat={patent} } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Workshops and Preprints %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @misc{lym2020flexsa, title={FlexSA: Flexible Systolic Array Architecture for Efficient Pruned DNN Model Training}, author={Sangkug Lym and Mattan Erez}, year={2020}, eprint={2004.13027}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.LG}, mycat={workshop} } @misc{ghaemmaghami2020training, title={Training with Multi-Layer Embeddings for Model Reduction}, author={Benjamin Ghaemmaghami and Zihao Deng and Benjamin Cho and Leo Orshansky and Ashish Kumar Singh and Mattan Erez and Michael Orshansky}, year={2020}, eprint={2006.05623}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.LG}, mycat={workshop} } @inproceedings{chang2020selective, title={{Evaluating Compiler IR-Level Selective Instruction Duplication with Realistic Hardware Errors}}, author={Chun-Kai Chang and Guanpeng Li and Mattan Erez}, booktitle={{the Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM Workshop on Fault Tolerance for HPC at eXtreme Scale (FTXS)}}, year=2020, doi={10.1109/FTXS49593.2019.00010}, mycat={workshop} }