

Alan Gatherer, Haishan Zhu, and Mattan Erez. Baseband Architectures to Support Wireless Cellular Infrastructure: History and Future Evolution. In Academic Press Library in Mobile and Wireless Communications — Transmission Techniques for Digital Communications, pages 689–705. . Elsevier, 2016. ((URL))

Bibtex entry

@INCOLLECTION { wireless_book,
    TITLE = { Baseband Architectures to Support Wireless Cellular Infrastructure: History and Future Evolution },
    AUTHOR = { Alan Gatherer and Haishan Zhu and Mattan Erez },
    PAGES = { 689-−705 },
    CHAPTER = { 18 },
    BOOKTITLE = { Academic Press Library in Mobile and Wireless Communications — Transmission Techniques for Digital Communications },
    EDITOR = { Sarah Kate Wilson and Stephen G. Wilson and Ezio Biglieri },
    YEAR = { 2016 },
    ISBN = { 978–0−12–398281–0 },
    PUBLISHER = { Elsevier },
    URL = { http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780123982810 },
    MYCAT = { book },