

Evgeni Krimer, Robert Pawlowski, Mattan Erez, and Patrick Chiang. Synctium: a Near-Threshold Stream Processor for Energy-Constrained Parallel Applications. IEEE IEEE Computer Architecture Letters, 9(1):21–24, January, 2010. (PDF)

Bibtex entry

@ARTICLE { krimer2010synctium,
    TITLE = { Synctium: a Near-Threshold Stream Processor for Energy-Constrained Parallel Applications },
    AUTHOR = { Evgeni Krimer and Robert Pawlowski and Mattan Erez and Patrick Chiang },
    JOURNAL = { IEEE IEEE Computer Architecture Letters },
    PAGES = { 21-−24 },
    VOLUME = { 9 },
    NUMBER = { 1 },
    MONTH = { January },
    YEAR = { 2010 },
    DOI = { 10.1109/L-CA.2010.5 },
    PUBLISHER = { Published by the IEEE Computer Society },
    PDF = { /cal2010_synctium.pdf },
    MYCAT = { journal },