Containment Domains C++ API  0.1
Containment Domains C++ API v0.1
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Profiler-related methods


CDErrT cd::CDHandle::CDProfileStartPhase (bool collective=true, char *phase_name=0)
 Notify the CD Profiler that the application is entering a different execution phase. More...

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

CDErrT cd::CDHandle::CDProfileStartPhase ( bool  collective = true,
char *  phase_name = 0 

Notify the CD Profiler that the application is entering a different execution phase.

The CD Profiler attempts to collect information and build the CD tree corresponding to the application. Because the execution of each specific CD varies even when the code run and data processed is semantically the same, the profiler averages out the behavior of each CD in the tree as it gets repeatedly executed (execution time, preservation volumes, ...). The CDProfileStartPhase() notifies the profiler that a new execution phase is starting and that averaging should reset with the previous values maintained as a different very-coarse-grained sequential CD under the root CD. If the application repeats certain phases for which statistics should be aggregated, a state name should be provided.

Returns kOK if no error.
collectiveCollective across all tasks in this CD?
phase_nameName of new phase