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High-fidelity errors refer to those generated by the RTL gate-level injector.

Available high-fidelity error models:

  • Single Event Upset: a particle strike that flips single a bit of a random flip-flop
  • Single Event Transient: a particle strike that flips the output a random logic cell
  • Stuck-at 0: a net that is stuck at logic 0
  • Stuck-at 1: a net that is stuck at logic 1
  • Timing error: a transient voltage droop that causes timing violation


To call the high-fidelity models except timing errors, -e RTL must be spcified when launching our instruction-level injetor. Because modeling timing errors requires an external tool, the user needs to specify -e TIMING_RTL instead to use the timing error model. Additionally, an error config (specified by -q) is required. See instruction-level injector pages for details.