Please take a look at the scribing instructions and sign up to the scribe list.

Before each class, send me email with answers to these questions. I expect a few bullet points for each answer as preparation for discussion. I don’t want to see long paragraphs!

LectureDateTopic (notes)ReadingComments
110/14Introduction and Policies notes
210/21GPP binary compatibilityJ. Denhert et al., “The Transmeta Code Morphing™ Software: using speculation, recovery, and adaptive retranslation to address real-life challenges,” CGO’03 
310/28Reliability and PowerD. Ernst et al., “Razor: A Low-Power Pipeline Based on Circuit-Level Timing Speculation”, MICRO-36, 2003

A related white paper (I suggest you read it)
411/4Defect toleranceO. Temam, “A Defect-Tolerant Accelerator for Emerging High-Performance Applications”, ISCA 2012

Background (no writeup): Y. Zorian and Z. Gizopoulos, “Design for Yield and Reliability”, IEEE Design and Test, Vol. 21, No. 3, May 2004

Great paper I highly recommend and will discuss a little bit even if you don’t read it:

W. Culbertson et al., “Defect Tolerance on the Teramac Custom Computer”, IEEE Symposium on FPGAs for Custom Computing Machines, 1997
511/11Approximate computing Discussion paper: H. Esmaeilzadeh et al., “Architecture Support for Disciplined Approximate Programming”, ASPLOS 2012

Another great example: S. Sidiroglou et al., “Managing Performance vs. Accuracy Trade-offs With Loop Perforation”, FSE 2011

Another great example: V. Chippa et al., “Dynamic Effort Scaling: Managing the Quality-Efficiency Tradeoff”, DAC 2011
611/18GPGPU Discussion paper: M. Silberstein et al., “GPUfs: Integrating a File System with GPUs”, ASPLOS 2013

Background: J. Owens et al., “GPU Computing”, Proceedings of the IEEE 96(5), 2008
711/25Memory ManagementM. Swanson et al., “Increasing TLB reach using superpages backed by shadow memory”, ISCA 1998

Also from wikipedia: some explanation of x86-64 page tables.
812/9Memory management IID. Cheriton et al., “HICAMP: architectural support for efficient concurrency-safe shared structured data access”, ASPLOS 2012 
912/16Memory and ECCDH Yoon and M. Erez, “Virtualized and Flexible ECC for Main Memory”, ASPLOS 2010 
1012/23DatacentersLighter reading: V. Jimenez et al., “Energy-Aware Accounting and Billing in Large-Scale Computing Facilities”, IEEE Micro May/Jun 2011

Research: J. Chang et al., “A Limits Study of Benefits from Nanostore-Based Future Data-Centric System Architectures”, CF 2012
11Dec-30Light-weight ThreadsD. E. Culler et al., “Fine-Grain Parralelism with Minimal Hardware Support: A Compiler-Controlled Threaded Abstract Machine”,ASPLOS IV, 1991.

BACKGROUND ON ID: K. R. Traub, “A Compiler for the MIT Tagged-Token Dataflow Architecture ‘(pages 13--21 only)”, MIT Masters Thesis ‘(pages 13-−21 only)’, 1986.

Concurrent project about hardware: W. J. Dally et al., “The J-Machine: A Retrospective”, 1998.
12Jan-6SW ReliabilityS. Chen et al., “Flexible Hardware Acceleration for Instruction-Grain Lifeguards”, IEEE Micro Jan. 2009 
13Jan-13Asymmetric CoresA. Suleman et al., “Accelerating Critical Section Execution with Asymmetric Multi-Core Architectures”, ASPLOS’09