

Ikhwan Lee, Michael Sullivan, Evgeni Krimer, Dong Wan Kim, Mehmet Basoglu, Doe Hyun Yoon, Larry Kaplan, and Mattan Erez. Survey of Error and Fault Detection Mechanisms v2. Technical report TR-LPH-2012–001, LPH Group, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, December, 2012. (PDF)

Bibtex entry

@TECHREPORT { lee2012sef,
    AUTHOR = { Ikhwan Lee and Michael Sullivan and Evgeni Krimer and Dong Wan Kim and Mehmet Basoglu and Doe Hyun Yoon and Larry Kaplan and Mattan Erez },
    TITLE = { Survey of Error and Fault Detection Mechanisms v2 },
    NUMBER = { TR-LPH-2012–001 },
    INSTITUTION = { LPH Group, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin },
    MONTH = { December },
    YEAR = { 2012 },
    PDF = { /detection_mechanisms_TR_LPH_2012_001.pdf },
    MYCAT = { report },